Morriston Medical Centre is excited to offer the latest in mole mapping techology using AI to help detect skin cancer early.

Skin Cancer will affect almost 20% of Canadians in their lifetime. Evidence behind the use of total body mole mapping to detect skin cancer, especially in high risk groups is mounting.

Who should get whole body mole mapping ?

  • Multiple moles (>50)
  • Fair skin or red hair
  • History of skin cancer
  • Immunosuppressant Therapy
  • New or changing moles


  1. Benefits of total body photography and digital dermoscopy (“two-step method of digital follow-up”)in the early diagnosis of melanoma in patients at high risk of melanoma. (Salerni et. al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012).
  2. The importance of total-body photography and sequential digital dermoscopy for monitoring patients at increased melanoma risk. (Deinlein et. al. J Dtsch Dermatol Get. 2020).
  3. Using Artificial Intelligence as a Melanoma Screening Tool in Self-Referred Patients. (Hull et. al. J of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. 2023)

How does Fotofinder work ?

Whole body mole mapping is a non-invasive, painless imaging technique used to detect and monitor moles and other skin

lesions. This technology uses high-resolution digital cameras to capture detailed images of the entire surface of the skin, allowing healthcare professionals to closely examine moles and other skin changes for signs of cancer or other abnormalities.

The images captured by whole body mole mapping technology are stored in a database and can be compared over time to track any changes in the size, shape, color, or texture of individual moles. This allows healthcare professionals to detect potential problems at an early stage, when they are most treatable.

Mole mapping is typically done every 6 to 12 months.

Skin Cancer Screening